
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tech Crazed Me

Dear Stranger,

I am discovering a lot about myself and even though some of it scares me, there is this one issue that I just ought to share. After all, it always helps to build one’s self into a better individual right? Trust me, it works for the better. Here I am babbling [or rather on the verge of babbling] once again.

Some people may say I am insane, complicated or even dramatic, for taking this stance, and going down this road. All I do, is laugh it off, and shrug it off [haha that rhymed]. Personally, I think everyone should consider taking a break from people…and technology….once in a while.

It keeps us sane….the break, that is! In this fast-paced world of today, we always seem to be worried about work, the latest gossip [mind you, about others, yet we hate to be talked about], money, relationships [this is a maybe] and even yet more money. [Backtrack! Backtrack!!] Okay so some people [like me] like to put shopping and fun stuff between work and gossip. But we still burden ourselves with a full [or rather an overfilled] plate.

What with the advent of technology [the Internet, cell phones, and all that....], the situation keeps getting worse with no immediate hope [at least in my opinion] of getting better. And this scares the living daylights out of me [literally].

I always use myself as a typical example. I use, at one time, a laptop, a television, an iPod nano, an iPod touch, two cell phones and at least carry 3 different electronic gaming systems in my bag [I think I forgot to mention the novels and ebook reader I carry in my bag perpertually].

Some [ok well it would be total truth if I substituted "some" with "most"] people tell me I am “technology crazed” [as if I didn't know that already. Duh!] I love to use technology. I am a connoisseur of technology and I believe it makes life easier! But even I need a break from it.

The one bad habit I have acquired over the years is to stay logged in to various Internet accounts I own [even when I am nowhere near my gadgets] basically because I am the sole user and it is much easier and convenient to do so [laziness!! Yeah! Yeah!! Yeah!!!]

With the advent of wireless internet and portable devices, most people [especially multi-task pros] find it easy to live a dual life with perfect ease. Hence the need to take a break. I probably didn’t make any sense…..but I never do anyways.

Thanks for listening,

Summer Catch Up

Dear Stranger,

I have been very wrapped up in myself and everything going on around me and not paid that much attention to my letters to you. I guess I am showing how much of a self-absorbed college student I am huh! A lot has been going on though.

Save to say that I am on my summer break after my second year in college. Man! This was one break I was looking forward to months before it was due. I mean, second year was tough! A lot different from first year definitely. It felt like the social life of the student body graduated with the graduating class of 2009. Sounds weird and/or corny but it really feels like it did.

I mean, how does a fun year turn slow and boring the very next? Exactly my thought! (did I lose you yet?) This past year thought me a lot about myself though. It showed me how emotional I could get and that my heart is still in my body somewhere (lol!) That, I was sorry to learn, was the mildest lesson I learnt. I also learnt how unpredictable people could really be. I am glad I had this experience even though I was on the verge of madness.

Another academic year is about to start in 2 months and I have no plans and no ideas on what I want to do. I definately know transfering is on the cards for me but the question though is where to? Maybe I will just take sometime off and fully rest: deal with my ulcer and go for that treatment finally and find a way to resolve my recurring migraines. That sounds like a good life plan.

I guess I bored you a lot. I am up late with nothing to watch on tv and since I hadn’t written in over a month, this was a perfect opportunity to unburden.

Thanks for listening,