
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why Girls Cheat

Dear Stranger,
In a recent conversation with one of my close male friends, I was asked a simple question: “Why do girls cheat?”

I was stunned for more than a second because I had no single answer for him. I mean, that was a loaded question.

Apparently his relationship was going great and he was blindsided. He didnt even see a possibility of his girl cheating on him as anywhere close to the equation.

So I decided to write all the reasons that came to mind when I thought about the phrase “girls cheat” and this is what I came up with.

Girls cheat on their boyfriends for many reasons: not getting the attention they need, sex in the relationship does not satisfy them and/or to get even with the boy.

My personal advice is: if you think your girlfriend might cheat because you are not treating her the way she wants and needs to be treated, stop what you are doing wrong and do the opposite. You can send her flowers, buy her a small gift that she will really like, etc.

Some girls cheat because they do not have high morals. These kind of girls are self-centered and can not care for anyone except themselves. If you are with such a girl RUN and if you have kids with her, take them with you.

If a girl is not being treated well or the sexual relationship is not good, then there should be communication between her and her boy. She has the free will to confront her boyfriend with the problems she feels they have and leave without hurting him by cheating.

However, some girls cheat because they see their relationship coming to an end naturally and try to soften the blow for themselves.

For the same reasons why boys cheat on girls: If you are wired to cheat, you eventually will. It is just a matter of time and the right circumstances.

If you are a pretty intuitive person, then you can judge if a person will cheat or not. Things like, weak willpower, lying or doing things behind someone’s back especially if caught, are the signs, which indicate whether a person will cheat or not. Just my opinion, ofcourse, take it with a pinch of salt.

She obviously thinks you suck as a man so let her live her life and be happy! If you love her and you two were meant for each other then she will come back.

It’s one major ego breaker. Guys are more likely to cheat on their girlfriends but what if it happens the other away around? That is totally heartbreaking.

Not to say though that it’s less heartbreaking for the girls when their boyfriends cheat on them. Cheating is not right, period.

That’s even reason enough to break-up. Below are some reasons why girls cheat. And for you to do something before that happens!

BOREDOM. Yes, girls are capable of that. Even if they talk a lot and create a lot of drama all at the same time, they can be bored in a relationship. So find some exciting and memorable things to do together everyday. Even if it’s just a call or to send her a message reminding her how much you love her, that’s more than enough.

Does your girl have an ex she’s been trying to get over with for the longest time? If this wasn’t settled, then it could be one reason why she would suddenly cheat on you. Maybe she finds something lacking in your relationship that she’s still longing for from the other guy. Your only option here, sadly, is to break-up with her. You don’t want to be someone who is thinking of someone else.

Are you becoming too predictable? Are you both always happy? Do you do the same things and talk about the same things? Sounds like you both should find something to fight about. Really! Not kidding. Drama adds spice to a relationship and fights will make your bond stronger.

Too nice of a boyfriend. Saying yes to a girl’s every whim will definitely urge her to cheat. Make her realize your value and make it two-way. It’s a give and take relationship. It’s not the guy’s job to just give and give. Demand from time to time and make her work her way up to your rewards. At the same time, realize her worth. Being nice is nice but too much is definitely not a good idea.

If this doesn’t help explain why girls cheat, I have no idea what else could.

Thanks for listening,