
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 16


You probably already guessed. It’s “The Princess And The Frog”……. The black princess of course. I liked it much better than any of the other Disney princess movies. Second would be “Tangled”.

I think I watched “The Princess And The Frog” a million and one times. The story line was a slight twist from the stories in the books. That’s what attracted me to it…and then, to “Tangled” afterwards.

If you haven’t watched it yet, (kill yo self….lol just kidding) please do. It is a great love story.

30 Day Challenge: Day 15


OMG whoever created French fries is the best inventor on earth. Well not just French fries. French fries from McDonald’s……. Then there”s also chocolate, caramel candy, cotton candy and cake!

I can pig on these for days and days on end and not eat anything actually nutritious. I do not gain any additional calories (yea, I’m a lucky bitch) so I can afford to.

These are the best things EVER.

30 Day Challenge: Day 14


I come from a very complicated family. I am far from an only child. I will say, that I am the only girl and second of three for my mum and the fourth girl and fourth of five for my dad. I have a number of step parents and half and step siblings.

That is probably as much as I will say. I do not really like talking about my family dynamics. The only thing probably very apparent is that I am pretty much a loner in my family and I do not get along with my younger brother. Okay. Let me be honest. We hate each other.

That’s pretty much about it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 13


The movie? Watched it, didn’t like it. Is that enough said already?

30 Day Challenge: Day 12


I love Harry Potter OMG. I have watched every single one of the Harry Potter series……. and read the corresponding books too.

There are those that keep talking about how demonic it is and all that but I love it, Fiction is fiction. I appreciate a good story.And Harry potter, in all his awkward fine-ness, presents one Smile

Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 11


I am not really a “bands” person. I don’t listen to any bands, much less have a favorite.

Disappointing, I know!

30 Day Challenge: Day 10


This is about to be a super short post. I don’t have any pets. I have been wanting a Pomeranian or Schnauzer for a while now though.

People get surprised when I say that. I have had German breeds before, but I would love something more “portable”. Don’t peg me down as a Chihuahua kind of girl. That stereotype is pretty annoying. Not all girls want Chihuahuas.

30 Day Challenge: Day 9


This is kind of a tough one. I guess it’s blogging. Full blown blogging, micro- blogging, tweeting, tumbling, call it whatever you would.

I love to write. I think it is because my writing directly shows a little bit of me. I write exactly how I say it and albeit not always what I want to say. Usually, I write down conversations with people or issues any of my “friends” have. I share because I feel there are others that need to know they are not alone. Plus, I have been told, by a little more than a few people, that I say the right times majority of the time so…..

Even though I would rather write about current affairs or something predictable like fashion or sports, maybe, I stick to the mushy emotional stuff that most people are hesitant to touch Winking smile

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 8


Neither. I am not one of those obsessed skinny girls you see running to the gym every single day to get rid of non-existent weight. I am teased a whole lot and I endure it because at least, I know I don’t battle with my weight or wish I was anything other than what I have been blessed with (trust me, this fab bod is TOTALLY a blessing).

But, I am far from a couch potato. I don’t rely on the fact that I am naturally skinny and so stay lazy. Sure, I love to lay in bed all day, if I can, and watch movies on my laptop. But, I know when to tie up my laces and get my trainers to pounding the streets to stay toned up.

Life is not all about calorie- counting.

30 Day Challenge: Day 7


Like Gabbz will say, I have about 7 blogs. Realistically though, I only have 4 of them. Well, tumblr happened accidently.

It was all over my twitter, and since I hate people explaining stuff to me (mainly because they usually talk to me like I am a kid), I signed up and learnt the ropes easier and faster.

Tumblr is just as addictive as any other social network, if you let it get to you. I am really more of a twitter person even though tumblr is pretty cool. I do feel like it makes me extremely lazy and I don’t do nothing I plan for my other blogs.

So how has my life changed since joining tumblr? Apart from becoming extremely lazy toward my other blogs, I really like it. It gets really irritating when you have to follow all those people and be followed back though. The massive inflow of posts makes it hard to focus on putting up your own instead of reblogging.

30 Day Challenge: Day 6


Definitely SUMMER!

I love the heat, the warmth, the shorts and skirts I wear during that time of the year! Just thinking about it gives me butterflies. Summer is an amazing time. Whoever hates summer? O yea, my friend Etornam does. But she doesn’t count because she’s weird like that Smile with tongue out (I know you see this Fish).

Summer makes me think of swings and barbecues and swimsuits! I love swimsuits. Hell, I love anything that barely covers my body. Don’t hate! LoL

Summer makes me think of YELLOW, sunshine, smiles and possible romance. I know people hate the heat and perspiration that comes with it, but I love the many showers I get to take as opposed to the “two a day maximum” I get in the cold winter moments.

Summer spells out a lot to me. It makes me think of happiness and is a reflection of what I hope for my life.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 5


This is probably the easiest question so far. My favorite colors, in descending priority of course, are Yellow, Black and White.

Whenever I think of yellow, my entire mood brightens up. If I am down in the dumps, just give me a Yellow gift of any sorts and I’m good to go. When I enter a shop, I pick out yellow stuff first and move on to other colors after that option has been exhausted. Yellow makes me feel POSITIVE. It symbolizes a lot for me. It symbolizes “the sunshine after the hurricane”, “a new chance”, “a brighter life”…… in short, it makes me believe things can get better for a girl like me. Anything Yellow puts a huge smile on my face. That’s one color I always co-ordinate into my daily life.

When I tell anyone I like black or white, people who are really in tune with fine arts make it a point to correct me and let me know that they are “shades” and not “hues”. Like I care! In the regular world, colors are colors. Black looks good on me, it holds a lot of meaning for me. It represents my ancestry and my pride.

White? I don’t know. It is a pretty color Smile

Thursday, February 24, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 4


Keith: My best friend. My everything. We have been together for a number of years now. We do everything yet nothing. He is my lifeline. In contrast to how wild and crazy I get, he is level-headed and reels me back to reality when I need it. I totally adore his family. Without him……. I dun even want to imagine how I’d be like. he is the perfect gentleman: tall, dark, handsome…… And he has a spirituality that makes him even more…. I don’t see me and him parting ways any time ever. I don’t think I can function without him.

Ash: Well everyone else calls her Ashiorkor or Priscilla but Ash is how I do LoL. She’s one of the fewest girls I’d call ride or die and even though she makes me want to strangle her sometimes, she’s the best chicka a girl can have…. although she hardly ever shows it. Ash is that kind of girl who genuinely cares except she doesn’t show it. she can live without calling, texting, emails, Skype, BBM,etc. We are uncannily alike and we kind of think on the same wavelength, although we are very different too. She’s a sister a girl is gunna keep around for a long while.

Fish: Astrid Etornam Yawa Aniwa is an amazing girl. I could talk to her about ANYTHING and come out feeling much better. She’d do anything and all she can for anyone and has a big heart. I hate it when she is taken advantage of because of her big heart and her generosity Sad smile

Marisca: We’ve been through the ups and downs but when it comes down to the wire, we turn to each other. We lose touch and continue from where we left off and catch up like nothing ever happened. We have our differences but there is a lot of love between us.

30 Day Challenge: Day 3



I don’t have one. I like a whole bunch of them Disappointed smile

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 2



I have two piercings on each ear. I had 3 until summer 2009 Sad smile I am thinking of getting some more though. I have a nose piercing too. It’s my fav and I rock it well and proudly too. I can’t imagine not ever getting it. Definitely more piercings in my future. I think I have a connection with getting it haha.

Tattoos? Yea, I have one somewhere on my body LoL. It’s usually covered so most people almost never see it. Whenever a guy hears I have one though, they always wanna see it. They think it’s hot I have one *shrug* I guess I look uber innocent Smile with tongue out

I am planning on getting another…Maybe when it gets warmer? My tattoo is like an extension of me. I have to really like you a lot and want you to stay in my life if I ever explain its significance and why I got that exact image.

30 Day Challenge: Day 1



My middle name is Yayra. It’s the first name I mention when someone asks for my name. I almost never tell what my first name is. My middle name means so much to me. I am not really a family person….I have always been left on my own and I paved my own way. But my name makes me feel like I was not some unplanned pregnancy ‘cos trust me, I am treated like I was.

It means “Blessing” :) I am the only girl and second child of my mum so you can understand the attachment to the name. I like to think I am “Blessed” :) :) I like to think I am special.

I am very touchy when it comes to any of my names. But especially so with this one. This name defines me! It has been my mold, inspiration, nudge, guide…. In short, the very essence and meaning of it makes me who I am today.

I don’t think I could be this strong and pragmatic, blunt and sincere, fun and adorable if it wasn’t for the bond I have created between my name and me.

You will probably hear many girls say: “I am my hair”. With me, you will most likely hear me say: “I am my name.”

I am Yayra - Blessed and highly favored.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Slutiness The New Mode?

And by “mode” I mean fashion not any other definition. I visit World Star HipHop’s website on the daily and sometimes, random videos with high viewership come up. I came across 2 of such videos and thought I would share them.

I am disgusted that girls think getting naked in front of a camera for the internet is the only way they can acquire some fame. If that is what you want to do, then get into the adult movie industry. At least you’ll get paid to take off your clothes! GET PAID!

T Beezy on WSHH Candy


Remi Belle & Vanessa Bee “International Edition” (Columbia & UK) on WSHH Candy

Weirdly Wired Me

Thursday: 6 am

I get out of bed and head in the direction of the bathroom. I am holding both blackberries and my iTouch, of course! I have been tweeting for a couple of hours now, I should have left these things on my bed. O wait! When am I ever not tweeting?

I set my gadgets on the ledge of my bathroom sink and sit comfortably on the toilet seat. More thoughts go racing through my head. Why wasn’t I able to sleep last night? I wish I had a cute puppy….it would have woken me up this morning. I look down and stare at my tummy, my hips and my thighs for more than a second. I think I am gaining weight! My tummy is getting big *gasp* I should REALLY start yoga and stop procrastinating. My hips look wide. I want a baby.

I am finally done peeing. I grab some tissue paper and wipe myself clean then I look into the toilet bowl at my pee. Typical early morning urine : YELLOW! Am I pregnant? I want a baby! I should get a pregnancy test kit. Wait! Why am I even thinking of pregnancy? Shaking my head, I flush. I have been celibate for a while now. 

Spreading toothpaste on my brush…… Thinking about celibacy…I wonder why I am stressing myself with long distance relationships that are clearly not working. I don’t want to cut X, Y and Z out of my life. This girl kuraa what’s her problem? Does she really think spreading false rumors about me makes her look cool? Some people do the dumbest things for attention SMH!

Are you still with me? Don’t get lost in the maze or distracted….I am still thinking. I haven’t said anything out loud yet. Now I am humming a song. I wouldn’t tell you which though *shy face*. I wonder what the inflation rate was yesterday. I need to say a prayer for Bahrain and for Randy’s family and friends.

I go back into my room and under my duvet! Time to go back to Twitter and Tumblr! Tweeting my life away  as I usually do.

I shared 10 minutes of a weekday morning with you for the mere purpose of showing how random I am. I hate to be categorized or part of a generalization, so I show you how I can be and you learn how to stop categorizing me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sex N Me

No not “Sex And Me”, “Sex In Me”, “Sex On Me” or any other variation or interpretation. It is more like a cocktail of all interpretations you can come up with.

Having conversations with my friends Ray and Maame is always unpredictable. Maame looks and acts conservative whereas Ray is one chick I can talk to about ANYTHING. She’s not like some Ghanaian friends I have who automatically label you a slut just because you spoke about sex or label you “too known” because you mentioned inflation rates.

So we are having lunch and Ray starts talking about some stuff on her mind….you know? Bouncing stuff off me….the same stuff on her mind. Maame instantly tenses up and stops talking. Initially I hardly noticed because I was riled up and talking to Ray about contraceptives and the free clinic [You get an idea of where our conversation had led].

Ray was the one who noticed Maame’s mood change and of course, she asked what was wrong. I gathered soon enough that Maame didn’t like how openly we were talking about sex. she’s one of “those girls”. You know what I mean! Those girls who have tried every sexual position they have heard of yet act like they are the Virgin Mary herself.

But quite frankly though, I am very taken aback at how confident a lot of Ghanaians seem to be in expressing their" “sexuality” recently. Like so many people man! And it’s real awkward when you just get introduced to someone and the first thing they want to talk about is sex. I just keep thinking in my head…. WTF!! Like seriously yo, when did that happen? I look at tweets, Facebook status updates and wall posts, LinkedIn, BBM, you name it! EVERYONE seems to want to talk about SEX, SEX, SEX.

It’s not as if many of the people claiming “they want to PUT” can even perform when you put them in a room with someone of the opposite sex. Chances are they’ll get shy and start small talk and do nothing intimate that first day.

The worst is when after all that talk, you hear of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies a few months down the line. Like we are in the 16th century or something! The SAME people you hear talking about being all “PRO” in the game are the ones who come crying to you and asking for solutions.

What I think? Don’t put yourself in the situation if you can’t handle it. A guy doesn’t suffer ANY of the consequences so a girl needs to be smart! Trapping a guy with pregnancy? That was 14th century ladies! Get smart! Get on the pill! Popping Postinor 2 or Plan B isn't safe! It messes with your system. Yet there are girls who pop ‘em on the daily. GET ON THE PILL!

If you can’t carry a baby full term and pop it out when it’s due, don’t get in my face about sex because you ain’t rated SHIT in my books!

Sex N Me? NO! Sex N You.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Classy Nude?

I totally LOVE (implied) nude pictures. Some find it weird but I love to gaze at a beautiful piece of artistic work. Sometimes I let myself daydream and replace my face and body with that of the model….. Weird, I know!

The point is, there is this beauty…… This glorious beauty in CLASSY nudes (of any kind), that is not quite captured in those of the “bathroom mirror” variety.

A woman’s body is an excellent piece of art! Priceless

This is a gorgeous picture of Adoley. In a minute, you will understand why I am putting up this display of African beauty here. Before I do that, let me appreciate this. I will first and foremost say, you do not have to pay a professional photographer to do nudies because that can be pricey. I mean, if you have the money to dish out, sure thing. But most people don’t! A good camera or webcam and very good lightening is good enough. This picture…… This embodiment of African beauty is stunning and artistic in every way.

Exhibit B


This is an example of a “bathroom mirror” picture. Tacky lightening, no artistic quality and just blah! This is the kind of nudie that turns you totally off… In every way imaginable.

Nudies are amazing! Let me tell you about this one friend of mine. She’s called Moe, and there’s an ethereal aura about her. She’s a real country girl from Louisville….. A perfect lady. I met her at my talent agency in Louisville. I was her wing-buddy at her photo shoot and she did some nudies.

I remember that day in the photographer’s studio. A real dainty loft in downtown Louisville. The lightening was amazing and her body? MY GOD!!!

Now if you love fashion….photography…porn….life…beauty…heck, even nature….. you’ll appreciate it. You understand what I mean. It is that kind of adoration in a non-sexual, non-lesbian sort of way.

Embrace nudies n revel in the art! They are amazing….. Take it from me.


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